Liga Latina

Salsa/son-orkester med rødder i Silkeborg.
Mike Hecchi - sang og guitar
Rune Krogshede - trompet
Theo Hjorth - klaver og orgel
Michell Smedegaard Boysen - kontrabas
Bo Johansen - perkussion

Liga Latina har d. 31.12.19 udgivet pladen Liga Latina. læs mere her.

’This is a European super group’ // A World in London, BBC Radio
’A debut that sets new standards in World Music’ // ★★★★★ GlobalNyt
’First hand impression was a stormy crush. It gave me the same thrill as when I heard Buena Vista Social Club back in 1997’ // ★★★★★
’Liga Latina plays with a passion worthy of all Cuban music’ // ★★★★★
’The album is extremely well crafted – the music is as festive and sparkling as a New Year’s champagne’ //
’With a great deal of respect for the great masters of Latin folk music, Liga Latina celebrates life on this tiny masterpiece’ // ★★★★★ Almonde

4/4/25 - 16.00
Theo Solo

Theo Hjorth +45 28714524 CMS